Stuff Discord Says Bot Image

SDS (Stuff Discord Says)

Discord bot that parrots users' messages at random, which create hilarious interactions. Built using Golang, currently hosted on a Raspberry Pi with over 100 users.



Distributed program that uses TensorFlow and AI to categorize and rename images. Built using Node.js for the Distributed Summer 2020 Hackaton. Won first place.

Controller/Gamepad Tester

Controller/Gamepad Tester

Displays the current state of your controllers, and anything else that can be reported by the Gamepad API. Useful for debugging broken controllers, experimental hardware, and more.

rnote Compiled Document System

rnote Compiled Document System

A simple compiled document format for making notes with clean syntax and high customizability. Allows documents to be compiled to PDF and Markdown. Built using Python.

SVG Image Viewer

SVG Image Viewer

The culminating project in my Software Systems Development and Integration class. A webapp that allows users to organize modify their SVG images. Built using Node.js with an efficient C backend.

Dungeon Master GUI

Dungeon Master

The final assignment from my Object Oriented Programming class. A program that allows Dungeonmasters in Dungeons and Dragons create immersive dungeons. DMs can customize, visualize, and save their dungeon. Built using Java and JavaFX.


The Great Canadian Consumer Price Index Report

The culminating group project in my Software Design II class. A program that generates charts to answer questions using Census and Consumer Price Index data. Built using Perl and R.

Personal Website (

My personal website, which showcases my past work, is built using HTML, CSS, Sass, and Javascript, and uses Jekyll to generate the pages and manage the blog. This site is hosted on Github Pages.



A word cloud generator that creates word clouds from Wikipedia articles. The word cloud's size, font, and color can be customized. The image above is a word cloud for Github's article. Built using Python.